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Fiona - Borders Occupational Therapy

About Me

Fiona Egan - Borders OT

Hello I’m Fiona, founder of Borders Occupational Therapy Limited. I live in Gattonside with my husband, my two energetic little girls and a menagerie of pets.

I love being in the great outdoors – often found hiking or running no matter the weather or season. If I’m not out in the elements you will usually find me people watching with a vanilla latte in a café or experimenting with the interiors of my house.


Since qualifying from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2007 with Bsc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy with Psychology and counselling skills I have worked in mental health, dementia care, acute medical, accident and emergency, orthopaedics, stroke and neurological rehabilitation. I have worked across busy hospitals and in the community across London and Glasgow but more recently for NHS Borders and Social Work into clinical leadership roles and completion of an SVQ-7 in Management.. 

Borders Occupational Therapy allows me to bring my wealthy toolbox of experience to the field of independent practice. I have an innovative mind and hope to develop my business and private clinical practice using the highest quality standards and a commitment to using the most up to date evidence-based interventions . Being an independent practitioner, I have been able to travel across the UK to build networks, attend conferences, talk on podcasts and cement my place as regional member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists - specialist section independent practice. 

As well as occupational therapy service, I am now offering associate case management and soon will be able to offer workplace assessment services following successful completion of further certification. 

I look forward to watching my business grow, and collaborating and connecting with lots of new unique clients.

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